Linda J. USA
‘’Thank you so very much for this, Guy! I so appreciate such a beautiful & thorough message. It brought tears to my eyes. It was funny, b/c as I was waiting for a message from you, I went ahead & just did what I knew to do & just this AM, not 2-3 hours before hearing from you you had put together an “idea” & let 4 people know exactly what you had suggested already w/ 1 client signed up! That lets me know how truly accurate & connected you really are! Thank you again, much love.’’
Michael L., USA
‘’Greetings Guy, thank you so much for helping me about my career, but knew I had to ask about how to open more fully – when you suggested to look at meditation as vocation, that was perfect! In meditation, or place of peace, there my gift is…thank you Brother!!! (after 5 years of letting go, I’m finally beginning to see. today is a game changer for me!)’’